Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, courts nationwide have faced significant challenges in adapting to the unprecedented changes in their operations. The majority of courts in the United States were ill-equipped to handle such a sudden and drastic transformation, resulting in prolonged delays in processing filings and resolving cases within their jurisdictions. However, certain courts fared better if they had already implemented automated systems, such as e-filing, video hearings, and other technologically advanced protocols, prior to the pandemic. These pre-existing measures enabled them to navigate the new circumstances more effectively.

The New York City Small Claims Virtual Mediation Program has been one of the biggest success stories of the past two years. Despite a global pandemic, local bar associations and attorneys, law schools and the courts have been working together tirelessly to ensure access to justice for our most disadvantaged communities. Virtual mediation will be a permanent part of the legal practice in New York City and, if designed properly, it can provide litigants with a rich opportunity to be heard, expand access to justice and support the overburdened courts through the pandemic and beyond.

  • Approximately 7% of individuals in the U.S. lack access to internet.

  • The NewYork State Unified Court System has begun to think about solutions to this issue, such as providing kiosks for use in court and other solutions.

  • Zoom has call-in options so that you can still use breakout rooms, or mediators can choose to use a simple conference call.

Virtual mediation will be a permanent part of the legal practice in New York City and, if designed properly, it can provide litigants with a rich opportunity to be heard, expand access to justice and support the overburdened courts through the pandemic and beyond.

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