CMS is deeply committed to supporting families through a comprehensive range of services. We understand the importance of strong family bonds and their impact on community well-being. Through our Family Services program, we provide a safe and neutral environment for families to resolve conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions. Additionally, our Family Assistance and Relief initiatives offer practical support and resources to families facing various challenges, ensuring they can access the assistance they need. 98% of the families who participate in our Family Services Programs avoid Foster Care Placement
Our organization actively engages with families and the broader Brooklyn & Queens community through our Family & Community Aid and Engagement programs, fostering collaboration and creating a sense of belonging. To prevent truancy and promote educational success, we offer targeted interventions and support. Recognizing the significance of family stability, we work diligently to prevent children from entering the foster care system. Our Dispute Resolution services provide families with a platform to address conflicts and achieve resolution in a constructive manner. With our holistic approach, CMS strives to strengthen families and empower them to thrive within their communities.
- Family Enrichment Program
- Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)
- Mentoring And Advocacy Program (MAAP)
- Family & Community Engagement
- Foster Care Prevention
Our Family Services Division is unwavering in its mission to assist families in staying together and flourishing. We offer three exceptional programs that provide tailored support to families in need. Our Family Empowerment Program, Multidimensional Family Therapy, and General Preventive Program all offer personalized counseling, home visits, and workshops to help families enhance their strengths and achieve their objectives. Our approach is grounded in the belief that every family is unique and has the potential to become self-sufficient with the right tools and knowledge. We are fully committed to helping families attain stability, growth, and prosperity.
Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) is a family-based intervention designed to prevent and treat child and adolescent behavior problems. BSFT is a short-term, problem-oriented intervention. A typical session lasts 60 to 90 minutes and is held with the youth and one or more other family members. The average length of treatment is 12 to 16 sessions over a 3- to 4-month period.
The Family Enrichment Program (FEP) cases are diverted from Brooklyn & Queens Family Court and involve mediating issues regarding truancy, experimental use of substances, and caregiver / child conflict. While participating in FEP, adolescents attend weekly group sessions that help to enhance their problem-solving abilities and equip them to collaborate effectively with others during this three-month, crisis intervention counseling program.
An intensive crisis team will make a visit to the family’s home. After assessing the situation, the worker will help identify community-based supportive services and next steps. Over a period of no longer than 90 days, the worker will support family members as they execute a collaborative service plan. Ages Served: 11-18

MAAP provides individualized, strength and advocacy-based wraparound support services for youth aged 12 to 21. This program is for youth involved in, or at-risk of involvement in the juvenile or criminal justice system. At-risk youth include youth who exhibit risk factors that would increase the likelihood that they will engage in delinquent behaviors such as not attending school on a regular basis or history of suspensions, drug/alcohol use or abuse, association with negative peers, and a pattern of family conflict or violence. Each youth is matched with a mentor whose focus is to provide guidance in developing better self-esteem, creating healthy relationships, and making positive life choices. Ages Served: 12-21
Our Family Services Division is unwavering in its mission to assist families in staying together and flourishing. We offer three exceptional programs that provide tailored support to families in need. Our Family Empowerment Program, BSFT (Brief Strategic Family Therapy and General Preventive Program all offer personalized counseling, home visits, and workshops to help families enhance their strengths and achieve their objectives. Our approach is grounded in the belief that every family is unique and has the potential to become self-sufficient with the right tools and knowledge. We are fully committed to helping families attain stability, growth, and prosperity.